Amazon FBA requires every pallet, package and piece of inventory to be prepped in a specific manner, If you do not follow these rules, you may face warnings, fines or even suspension. The goal of this quick article is to keep you away from breaking most if not all Amazon rules or to give you the tools and resources to avoid them completely.
Inventory, Carton & Pallet Labeling
Inventory Labeling

Commingled units - UPC, EIN is required. Your inventory will not be separated from other sellers with the same product.
Non-Commingled units - Amazon will provide you with an FNSKU label for each unit of inventory. This will need to cover any existing barcodes on the product. Your inventory will be separated from other sellers with the same product.
Important! The label must be uncovered, but; if a polybag is used one layer of plastic may be hovering over the FNSKU labeled item.
Carton Labeling
Carton labels must be placed on one side of the packaging being sent into FBA. If you are sending inventory without boxing the units the shipping label and fba label must be on one side of the product. Cover the first UPC with an FNSKU label - if there is more find ways to cover them without impacting the product. We recommend adding a "ready to ship" label to these packages as well.
For pallet cartons you will place one FBA Shipment label on each package. You do not need to place a shipping label on these packages.

Pallet Labeling
Amazon requires each skid shipped to use four FBA Shipment labels - one on each side of the formed pallet.
Types of Packaging

Here is a quick list of inventory packaging that is OK for Amazon FBA.
Polybag with Suffocation Labels
Shrink Wrap
Bubble Wrapped items in polybags or Shrink Film
Item packaging with 3 inches or less of the actual product showing
Packaging should be used for any "loose items" or bundles. Like the Board Game above the original packaging was not secure, so a polybag was used. If you are unsure of how to Prepare an item for Amazon, using a Prep Center like Shipdif can be extremely helpful! A prep center will take care of all the prep needed for whatever inventory is headed to Amazon. Send products to us the Prep Center - create a shipment with the items and within 24-48 hours they will be on there way to Amazon! Easy!

Boxing Requirements for Amazon
Any box over 25" on any side or over 50lbs are not allowed for standard items being shipped into an Amazon FBA center.
Single SKU Oversize over 25" are OK to use packaging over 25". Same SKU units going into this packaging must all together be under 50 lbs
Shipments over 50lbs must be single item. Ex. You send a bed in a box that of which is over 50 lbs with a "TEAM LIFT" sticker - this is OK for Amazon.
FBA Pallet Requirements
Pallets must be under 72" and on a 48" by 40" wooden pallet. These wooden pallets must be in 6/10 or better condition. Pallets may only be up to 1500 lbs.
Pallets can be stackable if you create a flat surface below for the pallet on top. Stackable pallets can only be 48" in height each. You can stack two pallets
Cartons cannot be secured to a pallet with plastic strapping
Why going above and beyond prepping your items is important
Customer is more likely to leave a great review!
Lower Return Rate
Less problems at FBA check-in, leading to longer receival times
Less inventory breakage if shipping Fragile Items
Bundled units packaged incorrectly can be damaged
Why you need to offload the prep and join a Prep Center like Shipdif
Joining a prep center can be an incredibly valuable resource to your business. Guides, mentorship and a solid service for fulfilling your inventory to FBA will grow your company quicker than any solo venture. As a previous Amazon multi-million dollar seller joining a prep center was a step I should've taken way sooner in my Amazon career.
A few great reasons to join!

Avoid Amazon Restriction Mistakes
Avoid Sending incorrect box/weight sizes
You do not have to handle product - No shipments to your home, no need to pay for UPS pickups.
Software to track received & shipped inventory
Professionally prepared products - Experience less returns when a product arrives in new condition packaged properly!